Our Project:

translations: em português

What is the Competitive Commander Collective?

We believe that cEDH games, events, and metas can be improved with active, responsible care from a diverse group of smart and caring people. To that end, we propose the formation of the Competitive Commander Collective (CCC). The Collective will be composed of people who love cEDH and work hard to improve it.

The Collective's overarching goals will be to help:

  • cEDH communities sustainably grow;

  • cEDH players experience great games;

  • and cEDH organizers run excellent events.

    We hope the CCC will be a wellspring of collaborative projects that expand and improve cEDH over the course of many years.

Who is in the Competitive Commander Collective?

To accurately represent the desires of the cEDH community at large, we aim to form a Collective diverse along gender, ethnic, and class lines, and that features members from cEDH communities across the world. We hope that the Collective will feature players, brewers, LGS workers, event and tournament organizers, and working professionals.

Importantly, we need you to tell us who you'd like to serve in these roles.

Does this initial group of four plan to make decisions on behalf of everyone?

No. We hope to organize the CCC so that cEDH players, brewers, and organizers all over the world will have their voices heard and opinions considered. As an organizing committee, we are open to the CCC assembled from community recommendations operating without us.

From its inception, Commander has been a format for players to empower each other to work together to have fun. The CCC is not intended to issue official rules and bans. Instead, we hope to learn what might be in the best interest of the broadest group of cEDH players, brewers, and organizers, to share those perspectives, and to make recommendations accordingly.

CCC members will:

  • consult with their local communities about cEDH's wellbeing;

  • discuss their findings with the Collective;

  • design, propose, and implement potential improvements;

  • publicly evaluate the results of such experiments;

  • centralize and share cEDH resources online;

  • and communicate the work of the Collective to all interested.

What is the Competitive Commander Collective's plan?

  • Fall – Winter 2024: Solicit member recommendations and community feedback about the project; conduct group interviews; assemble a draft slate; share draft slate with the cEDH community for feedback; design and publish a central online resource for cEDH

  • Spring 2025: Evaluate feedback on the draft slate; invite members; announce the Collective's first slate; organize listening sessions with members' local communities; determine the CCC's structure and processes; share the CCC's 2025 goals; update the central online resource for cEDH

  • Summer 2025: Design, share, and implement experiments; solicit and share members' communities' findings; solicit community feedback; articulate and publish recommendations (e.g. banlist changes, rules changes, or event policies), if any; update the central online resource for cEDH

  • Fall 2025: Solicit community feedback on the CCC's work and slate; update online resources

How is the CCC related to other cEDH-oriented organizing projects?

We believe the CCC will be the most sustainable and holistic project for gradually improving cEDH over time. That said, we want to follow and support other projects that are similarly committed to learning and sharing global and diverse perspectives, increasing player agency, communicating transparently, and working methodically. We also know that the CCC will only be as helpful and smart as the folks of which it consists—so please share your feedback.

How can I help?

We need you to help build this Collective and improve the future of the competitive Commander.

We would love to hear your community recommendations: https://forms.gle/XswtKdh3jU2isaQv7

And would love to hear your feedback on the project as a whole!

Who is assembling the CCC?

The Collective’s Assemblers are currently Lua Stardust, Higher, Ian Flannery, and Ken Baumann.

Lua Stardust

Lua Stardust has been playing & collecting TCG’s since 2001 but started playing Magic in 2021. She is one half to the Youtube channel Scrybabies that focuses not only on CEDH/EDH gameplay but also on making introductory level videos for (C)EDH beginners. Lua has spent over a decade working on initiatives to increase inclusivity, building communities and creating resources for beginners.


Higher has been immersed in Magic: The Gathering since 2009, with a deep dive into Commander beginning in 2016. A deck brewer at heart, Higher constantly attempts to push the boundaries of strategy, crafting countless decks for better or worse. Beyond the game, Higher is a dedicated content creator, producing cEDH videos, live streams, and instructional 'how-to-play' content for the Magic community.


Ian is a CEDH tournament grinder , Youtuber & coach. He has been playing Magic since 2014 and is deeply engrained in the format. Ian brings a first person tournament perspective while also focusing on increasing the spectrum on what is considered to be CEDH. Ian is focused on community outreach for different CEDH scenes not only nationally but internationally. He can be found on his own youtube channel ComedIanMTG or cohosting on The Mind Sculptors.

Ken Baumann

Ken Baumann has been playing, brewing, and organizing Commander since 2017 and Magic since 1994. He has contributed heavily to a few popular decks including Krark Sakashima and Flubs. He written extensively about Commander online. Outside the world of Magic, Ken is the author of nine books and lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

The CCC will be launching an updated version of CEDH Guide in October 2024 with a focus on creating a website filled with resources & information for all players in CEDH.